Lack of Cafeteria Facility with Number of Students

Cafeteria is one of the important facilities in a building, such as one of the colleges. Almost all students and staff rely on canteen to meet their food needs. Similar to the canteen at Pamulang Viktor University, most students choose to buy food or drink in the canteen rather than off campus.

The location of the cafeteria provided by Pamulang Viktor University is located at the very back of the building after the parking lot. Unfortunately the facilities owned canteen still looks less adequate because the number of students is inversely proportional to the area of ​​canteens. The number of tables and chairs as a place to eat food is still far from adequate.

As for access to the canteen itself is also too far, because it must pass through the parking lot and some parts of the building that is in the process of development so a little hamper access to the canteen.

In addition, many students who smoke in the canteen cause some other students who do not smoke to be uncomfortable to eat in the cafeteria, so choose to bring food or drink into their respective classrooms.

Cafeteria situation also becomes less comfortable when it rains, because the canteen roof is only closed soup causing leakage when the rain makes the available tables and chairs become impossible to occupy a meal comfortably.

The number of food vendors in the canteen is also less and varied so it is not uncommon some students feel bored and choose to eat outside the campus. As for the facilities of copy and print services also there is only one place available in the canteen while the facility is needed where every day certainly not a few students who have to photocopy or print their coursework.

From the description of the lack of some canteen facilities, it is expected that the canteen condition at Pamulang Viktor University can be better for the future. Especially strongly recommended to be provided a special area for smokers so as not to reduce the comfort of other canteen users who do not smoke and want to eat in the canteen.


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